Posted by Valerie on 12th Dec 2016

Elderly Fall Prevention Monitors

Preventing falls among older adults is a growing concern.

According to the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC), each year, one in every three adults age 65 and older falls and over 2 million will be treated in an emergency room.

You can help prevent falls with early notification to a caregiver when a person is about to get up or wander. With the use of a bed alarm system, when the alarms sounds, caregivers can quickly go to the aid of a patient before they get out of bed or a chair.

Smart Caregiver specializes in fall monitor alarms for caregivers monitoring residents and or loved ones.

Our fall prevention monitors and bed alarms are easy-to-use and DIY installation without wiring. Just program the sensor pads to the bed alarm monitors (fall monitors), then just set the bed sensor pad on the bed, chair sensor pad on the chair or the pressure-sensing floor mat pad on the floor.

When the resident gets up or stands on the pad, it sets off the alarm.

Our alarm systems can be used in small and large facilities as well, as the home.

The following Smart Caregiver Elderly Fall Prevention Monitors help to reduce falls and elopement in your facility:

Bed Sensor Pads

Chair Sensor Pads

Floor Mat Pads

Seat Belts

Call Buttons


Central Monitoring Systems