Cordless Fall Monitor (TL-2100G) for 2 Wireless Devices ONLY
Smart CaregiverSmart Caregiver TL-2100G Wireless and Tamper Proof Monitor Only
Works with two components at one time - Easy to Use
The TL-2100G allows you to remove in-room noise by placing monitor up to 30 feet away from resident's bed, in a hallway, or connected to an existing nurse call system. Monitor is designed for operation with 1 or 2 cordless weight Sensor Pads & Mats or Infrared Motion Sensors. Battery operated (3-AA not included. Optional AC Power Adapter (AC-05).
Cord free quiet monitors and sensor pads help to reduce entanglement and tripping hazards. The cord free sensor pad gets placed under the resident. When the resident gets up and the pressure is removed from the pad, a wireless signal is sent to the monitor alarm in the hallway, alerting the caregiver.
The TL-2100G CordLess® Fall Monitor continually indicates that a signal is being received from the sensor pad and the system is in good working order. If the sensor pad signal is broken or out of range, monitor alarms and indicates signal is lost. Use Quiet CordLess® fall monitor with bed sensor pad; wheelchair sensor pad; pressure sensing floor mat; fall mats or motion sensor
Can work with 1 or 2 pads. Notifies caregiver which pad(s) is in operation. Monitor works with 1 or 2 components at one time if desired:
Cordless Floor Mat 24x48 (FMT-07C)
Cordless Bed Pad 20x30 (GBT-WI)
TL-2100G Monitor
- Cordless, no cords between pads and monitors - reduce tripping hazards and eliminates broken or tangled pad cords
- Safety Pad Auto reset: when pressure is re-applied to pad. Monitor will automatically reset when weight is re-applied to connected be or chair pad. Unit is always on.
- Optional setting: Caregiver with key can reset the monitor with Patented, Caregiver Key with Tamper Proof monitor.
- Easy Large raised reset button
- No unsafe Off switch: Caregiver can't forget to turn monitor back on
- Status Light
- Low battery indicator
- Raised visual status light enabling caregiver to see alarm from a distance
- Pad signal lost notification
- Quieter - fully Adjustable Volume
- Variable Multiple Tone settings
- Nurse Call port plugs into existing hardwired nurse call system
- Battery power (3-AA not included) or optional AC Adapter (AC05)
- Protective boot and hanging strap
- Wall mounted screws and hardware
- Works with Cordless bed or chair sensor pads, Cordless Floor Mats and Infrared Motion Sensor PIR-01
- 15-30 foot range
- 1 year warranty
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Cordless Systems Smart Caregiver Fall Monitoring
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